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City of Angels

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I just got back from workshopping a play in Banff which was a week of awesomeness. I saw a deer! He was all up in my face. Also, last night was my last Theatresports for a little while. I am taking a trip down to L.A. for a brief period of time. I leave Tuesday at 4pm! Crazy! I will keep you all posted on how it is going down there!

Wish me luck!


10 Responses to “City of Angels”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Goood Luck!

  2. Anonymous Anonymous 

    What about the Young Guns shows in February? Will you be back for them? Also, when is Julian back? I miss him... I'll miss you too Arlen ;)

  3. Anonymous Anonymous 

    As of right now it doesn't look good in terms of me being back for the Young Guns shows in February. I feel bad about it, but I gotta do what's best for me in the long run and I think this is it. We'll see though...Joe and I have some ideas of how I could still make an appearance....


  4. Anonymous Anonymous 

    How long will you be gone?

  5. Anonymous Anonymous 

    As of right now I'm saying about 2 months. It could be shorter or longer depending on how it all goes...

  6. Anonymous Anonymous 

    What are you doing there? Are you going all by your lonesome?

  7. Anonymous Anonymous 

    I am here having some meetings with TV people. And some auditions... And what else? Who knows!!! I am here now! And I am all alone. But my good pal Josh is helping me out. I'll post soon and let you know how it is going....

  8. Anonymous Anonymous 

    What?!? Boi? What about your lady friend?

  9. Anonymous Anonymous 

    What about lady friends? Ever heard of long distance relationships? I know of a certain improvisor who's had a very successful long-distance relationship for like 4 years now!

  10. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Yes, she is very excited for me and will come visit when she can.

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  • I'm one of four Young Guns
  • From E-Ville, Canada
  • I don't like being told what to do.
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