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What is going on while I'm away!?

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After just over three weeks in Europe, there is only four more days before I get back home. What a crazy three weeks it has been. I’m not talking about what I’ve been doing, I’m talking about the winds of change that have blown through while I’ve been away. Joe quit his job, which is a long time coming as I’ve told him many a time, and I assume he will be moving out pretty soon too. Arlen up and leaves to LA to show them what funny is all about. And I have officially booked my tickets to New Zealand for the 19th of February. The two weeks I have when I get back will be used to ready myself for the total uncertainty that awaits in the NZ, work off the European food, as well as making sure I get to say goodbye to as many people as I can. This officially means I don’t have many RFT shows left, and no more full Young Guns shows. My last show, the 17th of Feb, will be just Joe and me. It’s fitting I guess, seeing as how he is the person I’ve been doing improv with the longest. All 8 years at RFT and the many improv jams in the drama room at Picard, Joe and I have been side by side. Although it sucks Arlen and Steve won’t be there, there is no one I would rather be on stage with for my last show for a long while.

Things have a funny way of working out like that.

I’ll try and write more later, and add pictures to that Euro Blog thing that should have a link down the page, if anyone’s still interested. But for now, sleep. Cause those Paris hotel beds are a lot smaller than someone who’s 6’3”.

Bye for now friends.


9 Responses to “What is going on while I'm away!?”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    And who could forget all the wonderful plays you guys were in!
    A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum, anyone?
    You know that I'm talking about...
    Joe at his finest in those green tights!
    Or, maybe not?

  2. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Hush Pants!

    No one is to remember those days. God forbid a picture of that escape. No. No. That will never happen.

    I mean... what green tights?

    Yeah... that'll do.

  3. Anonymous Anonymous 


    I like how all of your pictures are of scenary or of you & Steve looking into the distance or even taking profile pictures as if there was an imaginary third person taking it.

    I request that you get someone to take a picture of both of you, smiling, like what you should really be doing in the first place. And not only will I be satisfied, but I'm sure both of your families would like be as well. =)

    love from

    P.S.I have just realized that it's January 31st.
    February 19th's so soon, Julian. =(

  4. Anonymous Anonymous 

    I meant "...would BE as well"
    not " be..."

    (Just correcting my grammar.
    Pardon me.)

  5. Anonymous Anonymous 


  6. Anonymous Anonymous 

    What song is in your guys "MARKETS" Video?
    I have to have it!

  7. Anonymous Anonymous 

    It's By Feist, songs called Mushaboom.

  8. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Thank you. :)

  9. Anonymous Anonymous 

    If you guys don't start blogging mroe often I'm really going to lose my shit.

    I mean what the hell else am I going to do when I'm sitting in a hotel lobby trying to kill some time? I want to know where my dogs at.

    Crad's doing his part, he posts all the time.

    Get in the game young gunners!

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  • I'm one of four Young Guns
  • From E-Ville, Canada
  • I don't like being told what to do.
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