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Back from D.C

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I'm Back....

Mark was attacked by an Elephant. He called it fat. A day this elephant will never forget.

Ummm.. No Thanks

Me and our biggest fan!

This was our hotel...or something...

I had my hair straight one night. So i joined this small band named "The Beatles". They'll never amount to anything.

Mark was on FOX News. He was cut off the second he began talking about anything containing truth.

My buddy George and I shared a few laughs. Me: So i hear 3 Brazilian soilders were killed in Iraq yesterday? George: Oh my god! That's horrible! Me: well, it sucks but compaired to the thousands of... George: How many in a Brazilian?

So that's my trip! we did 24 hours of improv in 10 days in Mid 90's heat with 80% humidity. I almost quit improv. But hanging with so many talented people was awesome and something i will never forget.

Time to get back to business. See you on Friday for some home town improv for the only audience that really matters. Forget you american tourists!



See Arlen, the mystery Young Gun is right. You're not the only one doing shit! jeez....

1 Responses to “Back from D.C”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    We're glad to have you home Julian. Thanks for the updates and don't let that Arlen over-rule you!

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  • I'm one of four Young Guns
  • From E-Ville, Canada
  • I don't like being told what to do.
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