So I asked what I should blog about and this is what I got:
- Violence on TV and how I think it influences the youth of today
- personal hygiene and how it relates to attracting the ladies
- Dreams and
- Arlen and Steve's relationship
I must say, I'm not IN LOVE with any of them. But I suppose they are better than Physics and Chemistry 30 which is pretty much all that fills my brain right now. So here we go...
I'm no expert as far as sociology goes (that's Jules' domain, so he could probably shed more insight here), but I was asked my opinion so I'll give it. I think the media, including but not especially TV, has a great influence on everyone, including but not especially children. And when TV is put in a position where it is a major part of someone's life it will become a major influence in that person's life, in the same way a parent, sibling, friend or mentor could be. I had those in my life, they influenced me and in turn, I emulate them. So if TV were placed in a similar position, as is the case in many homes around the world, why wouldn't it do the same? Of course, I think I would be the last person to say "kill your TV", I love TV, but I love it in moderation and in balance and should the day ever come when I have children they will watch TV, but I will watch it with them, or at least know what they are watching. But my children will also be involved in physical social activities such as sports and clubs where they will meet friends who will remind them that there is more to life than TV.
Personal hygiene and it's relationship with meeting the ladies... I don't think I can offer much to this that isn't public knowledge already, except for an anecdote of an exception to the rule. I had a friend who's lady LOVED dirty sex and it ended up being one of the major factors in the end of the relationship. I should clarify "dirty sex", she LOVED first thing in the morning, no teeth brush sex, and after a long workout, sweaty sex, and after a 3 day hiking/camping excursion, no showers sex. And she pretty much only loved this kind of sex. So... P. Diddy, there is hope for you yet.
Dreams. Again, not an expert, so I will leave the analysis up to you. I don't remember my dreams very often, maybe one a month if I'm lucky, but there are two recurring dreams that I have and remember quite often.
First is me, at night, on a hockey rink. In real life, I can't skate very well, or actually I can't stop very well. Anyway in the dream I am on one end of the rink on the goal line, and I have to get to the other side, so I begin to skate. But as I skate small cracks begin to appear in the ice and I have to jump them to avoid tripping, and as I continue the cracks become larger and larger so my jumps have to get longer and longer until I am barely making them anymore, and I never get closer to the other end of the rink, and not after too long the cracks are now huge canyons on the rink and I have to keep skating and jumping. I never reach the other side, but I never miss a jump, rather I wake up before the dream "ends". I don't like this one.
The other is much more pleasant. Again it is set at night, actually it is around 3:00am or 4:00am I am guessing, why I guess this is because the sky isn't nighttime black anymore, but instead it is starting to turn a slight shade of blue. The stars are still out, and they can all be seen. And I am driving, in a convertible car with the top down, alone. I'm guessing I'm in the United States because one, it's kind of deserty, and two occasionally I'll see a highway marker and it's one of those "I90" kinds of highways, the kinds you see in movies set in America. One lane each way and there are no other vehicles on the road. It's very calm, very quiet and very soothing. I always wake up relaxed. I like this dream.
As for Steve and Arlen, I think I should leave that one up to them. Perhaps Arlen can shed some light. All I can say is "I dunno, they're actors."